By Gangadhar Kulkarni 357 weeks ago 819 Views
Are you a professional or freelancer with hectic schedule and tight project deadline which won’t allow losing your weight as per plan? Here I have amazing 7 secrets to lose weight which will help you effectively.
1. Count and Track Calories
Your smartphone can be your good companion for this. Now a day’s couple of calorie tracker apps are available in the market. Use one of them to record calorie count, workout plan and its progress over the period of time. It will also benefit you to understand or calculate estimated portion size based on daily calorie need.
2. Healthy Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important ingredient of diet plan. A good and healthy breakfast keeps you charged throughout the day. List down all health foods which you love to eat which can be used for breakfast, such as eggs, banana, oatmeal, dry fruit, yogurt etc.
3. Morning Workout is Must
The first thing you must do in Morning is a workout. Because if you plan it in evening session, so many hurdles might pop up such as late evening meeting, late night parties, family commitments etc. Adopting this habit is not an easy task, but you have push yourself hard for first few days.
4. A 9-5 Commitment
A 9-5 commitment is all about office hours planning. It refers to making a fail proof plan in such a way that you don’t have stay back for long hours. This is a hidden trick but really helps a lot. Indirectly no excuse for your workout and ample of time for family commitment too.
5. Workout with Friends
To make the workout more interesting and funny, do some workout with a colleague. Plan a walk after lunch or go for a small run after office hours, it will help you burn more calories. Sometimes we need motivation as well, so having a walk with a favorite colleague might motivate you.
6. Plan and Pack Lunch
Opting out for nutritious lunch is a great way to stick to your diet plan. I suggest you plan entire week’s lunch on Saturday or Sunday and buy grocery accordingly. By this way, you will have more control over how much calories consumed.
7. Stick to One Drink
Say No to more than one drink during the outing. Instead of beer or whiskey, treat yourself with white wine or red wine, it has few calories and good for the heart too.
40-50 % of our daytime we spend in the office. If you are planning this time to cut down more calories, follow these tips, it will definitely help you to a certain extent.
This post already published on YourDietMantra.
Gangadhar Kulkarni, owner of web development company is a Internet Marketing Professional having extensive experience in SEO & SMO. He is also founder of seogdk, a digital marketing blog where he shares information about SEO, SMO, SEM, blogging & web technologies by way of articles.
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