Operating System Software (OS) and Application System Software

Operating System Software (OS) and Application System Software

A 'software' is a set of instructions for computer (processor) to execute. Mainly there are two types of softwares.

  1. Operating System Software / System software / OS (Operating System)
  2. Application Software

Operating System Software (OS)

Operating System softwares are set of instructions to the processor to do basic level of task to manage computer hardwares like Processor, Memory, Input, Output, Network , User management, providing basic level Security etc.

Before that I will explain an example with a human being. Every Child without an inability can do basic level of operation like breathing, hearing, seeing, thinking, moving their hands and legs etc. without giving him/her any coaching. We can define it as Operating Systems Process. This means the basic level of operation can be performed with operating system.

Eg : Unix,Windows,Linux,Ubuntu,Mac,Solaris etc

I will explain the OS functions briefly in my next post.

Application Software

        Whenever a human being is considered there are certain tasks that he could not do without a proper training or practice. I would site driving and swimming as examples for these cases. These are the applications needed for a human being , but doesn't possess by birth. Whenever a requirement is there, people try to practice such applications.

        Application System softwares are set of instructions to the computer for performing specific tasks. Take an example like photo editing. There are no built-in instructions coming with OS to perform photo editing. If our need is to edit photo, we must install application programs like Photoshop or Picasa or other photo editing suite to perform that operation. ie. Application programs are softwares that can install in our PC to perform wide variety of tasks.

Eg : 

  • Photoshop for Photo editing

  • Mozilla for searching web

  • Windows media player for playing video

  • Winamp for Audio Playing audio

  • MS Excel for excel sheet preperation etc.


About the Author

Ashique bin Raheem

Ashique bin Raheem

CTO @ Yarddiant +919961114143


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