Interesting facts about 'TITANIC' which you have never heard before

Interesting facts about 'TITANIC' which you have never heard before

The cost of building the RMS Titanic - $7,500,000

The number of people aboard (passengers and crew) - 2,223

The number of fresh eggs in the ship's provisions - 40,000

The number of warnings of icebergs the Titanic received before the collision - 6

Time taken to sink after hitting the iceberg - 2hrs 40min

The temperature of the sea water in the area where Titanic sank -  -2?C

The total percentage of passengers and crew who survived - 31.6%

The depth at which the wreck of the Titanic lays - 12,600 feet

The approximate number of artefacts that have been recovered from the wreck site - 6000

The typical maximum life expectancy of the Titanic victims in the water - 15 to 45 min

The percentage of the dead whose bodies were recovered - 23%


About the Author

Vishnukanth M

Vishnukanth M

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