Benefits of Green Tea

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has added its name in the lists of the medicinal drink that helps from a weight loss to target even pancreatic cancer. It is a drink that throws a mass of illness. According to latest statistics of Tea association about 15 percent of U.S consumes this hot beverage. Green Tea invites more changes that are much positive for your health than black tea which is one of the favourite drinks in America. Here I have given six surprising health benefits that you owe consuming a cup of Green Tea every morning.

1. Boosts Eyesight

2. Fights Allergies

3. Gives you Healthy Teeth and Gums

4. Controls and lowers Cholesterol

5. UV Protection

6. Blows off oral Cancer

Stay fit stay healthy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


About the Author

Neeraja Satish

Neeraja Satish

Sky is the limit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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